Professional Workstation

NVIDIA RTX™ professional desktop products are designed, built and engineered to accelerate any professional workflow, making it the top choice for millions of creative and technical users. Get an unparalleled desktop experience with the world’s most powerful GPUs for visualisation.

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The Sky is the limit

A new standard for Workstations

The latest generation of OEM workstation platforms is being introduced by Intel and NVIDIA. These workstations utilise cutting-edge components such as the latest Intel Xeon W processors, NVIDIA RTX 6000 Ada Generation GPUs, and NVIDIA ConnectX smart network interface cards. This combination of hardware provides creative and technical professionals with unparalleled performance, features, and efficiency.

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NVIDIA RTX cards are highly regarded in the creative design industry due to their advanced real-time ray tracing and AI capabilities. They allow designers to visualise their creations in near-realistic environments and make real-time changes to their designs. This technology enables faster and more efficient workflows, allowing designers to produce high-quality designs with greater ease and speed.

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Use Case Architecture, engineering, and modelling Computer aided design and engineering Media and Entertainment Rendering

The above software run perfectly on the system setups below.
In case you can't see your application of choice, feel free to contact us.
  High-End Mid-Range Low-End
CPU AMD RyzenTM ThreadripperTM PRO 5000 WX-Series /
Intel Xeon W-3400
AMD RyzenTM ThreadripperTM PRO 5000 WX-Series /
Intel Xeon W-2400
AMD RyzenTM ThreadripperTM PRO 5000 WX-Series /
Intel® Core™ i9
RAM 256GB 128GB 64GB
GPU NVIDIA RTX A6000 / RTX6000 Ada Generation NVIDIA RTX A5000 NVIDIA RTX A4000